
International Corporate Tax

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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 4 / Words 987
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The term corporate tax is also known as corporation tax. This can be defined as a type of direct tax that is executed by a jurisdiction on the income of a company or any type of legal entity. In different countries, these types of taxation are being applied at the global level as well as at the local level (Taylor and Richardson, 2012). The project report is based on different aspects of these taxes. In the report, the calculation of liquidation of corporate tax is done in a detailed manner with the given data in brief. The concept of international expansion is also covered as per the comparison of the given cases.


Temporary differences: The creation of deferred tax liabilities and assets from the temporary difference cash only happens in case the variation reverses itself on the specific future date. Thus, to such an extent, the annual statements of final position are anticipated to develop economic benefit in the context of the company.  The taxable temporary differences are mainly the differences that are not permanent and result in a tax payable amount in the upcoming time when ascertaining the profit before tax as the related balance shown in the balance sheet that is either settled or recovered. In the accounting year, all kinds of depreciation expenses are deducted by the CPA in appropriate amounts according to the useful and actual life of the assets being depreciated. It is very common to implement various kinds of methods to calculate the amount of depreciation on the tax returns, which are beneficial in accelerating the depreciation in the proceeding year of the asset life (Blaylock, Shevlin, and Wilson, 2012).

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Permanent differences: These difference amounts do not end in deferred tax savings or debts. Types of things that cause severe discrepancies include income or cost products that are not permitted by tax law, including tax rebates for certain investments that explicitly cut taxes. It can be defined that the permanent variation between the taxable income and the accounting profit results in case revenue or cost enters into the book but the income is never considered on the taxable income. This is the main reason why the book and the tax value are never equal.  It is observed that the overall permanent variation would outcome between the organisation's actual tax rate and the statutory tax rate. Thus, those expenses that are determined in the annual statements will never be deductible within the income tax returns (Hanlon, Krishnan, and Mills, 2012).

Temporary Differences:



1 . Excess of tax over book depreciation expenses:

(7000 -  52000*12%)


This is a temporary difference, as this expense can be revered in a subsequent year. 

2. Depreciation on transport element/vehicle 


In this cash, there is no difference in the depreciation of vehicle as no specific rate has been given for amortisation 2. method of decreasing digit numbers 

3. Provision doubtful debt


Provision is based on projection so there is no reliable basis available as well as no legal obligation here so this expense is regarded as temporary difference.

4. Administration Expenses


Administration expense are ordinary business expenses, so this is regarded as temporary difference.

5. Assortment of products to employees


This is a type of advertisement and promotion expense not considered an extraordinary expenses.

6. Instalment payments


This is simply deductible expense so it is temporary difference (Tang and Firth, 2012).  

Permanent Differences



6. Provision for insolvencies


This is not an ordinary provision, as it is an obligation which has already been judicially claimed.

7. Administrative penalty


Penalties are non-reversible in nature so this is regarded as permanent difference.   

8. R & D expenses


This extraordinarily expensive as well as non-reversible is thus classified as permanent difference.




Tax @30%



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From the above study, it has been analysed that international corporate tax is a wider aspect that deals with compliance of taxation laws and policies. For multinational corporation, compliance of international taxation and law is essential to building trust of investors. For listed corporations, avoidance of tax compliances can lead to penalties and fines. Managing staff are key personnel who are responsible for proper compliance of different taxation policies and laws.

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